Soak the gelatin in water so that it softens.
Add little ghee/butter to the water in which rice are boiled so that they do not stick.
Add sufficient water to avoid throwing of the same after rice are being boiled. When boiled in an open container, it should be exactly double and same amount when boiled in a pressure cooker.
Soak pulses for about 20 minutes before cooking to reduce the cooking time.
Soak the pulses after they are washed as the water in which they are soaked should be used to cook the pulses.
Cooking soda should not be used for cooking as it destroys the thiamine content of the pulses.
Do not wash the meat, wipe it with moist cloth. If it has to be washed, wash the large chunks only.
Salt thin cuts of meat after browning to reduce drip losses. Avoid acid solutions (lime, tamarind) for green vegetables and alkaline solutions (soda) for red vegetables to avoid their color loss.
Add salt to the water in which vegetables are cooked so that they become a bit salty and does not remain tasteless from inside.
For salads, do not cut the vegetables too fine to loose their identity.
Cut the vegetables and keep them in covered containers or cover them with foil to avoid loss of color and freshness.
Add nuts to the ice cream after it has frozen to the soft mush so that nuts are suspended in the ice cream and do not settle to the bottom.
Add gelatin to hot water just before it is added to the preparation and stir until it is entirely dissolved.